Fr. Ponce Visits ISA’s Main Benefactor in the Netherlands
On January 13, 2019, Fr. Rico Ponce, O.Carm., the executive director of the Institute of Spirituality in Asia (ISA), left for the Netherlands primarily to visit the Sisters of the Jullie Postel and to personally thank and update them on the activities of ISA for 2018.
On January 15 Fr. Rico met with Sr. Annielies Roelof, the superior general, Sr. Esther van Tijn, councilor and Mr. Kees Swaanen, the financial adviser of Jullie Postel. He gave copies of the 2018 yearly Bulletin of ISA, three of its latest publications and a list of its program of activities for 2019.
The Sisters of Jullie Postel were very delighted by his visit and promised to continue supporting ISA.
Fr. Ponce also maximized his stay in the Netherlands by visiting the Carmelite communities in Boxmeer, Nijmegen and Zenderen. On January 23, 2019 he proceeded to Rome for the meeting of the Comitato Centrale of the Institutum Carmelitanum. Earlier, he had been assigned to collect articles for the 2018 issue of Carmelus on the theme “Inculturation of Carmelite Spirituality.”