DIWANG BALAAN/BANAL: A Decolonial Discourse on Pinoy Spirituality
Br. Karl M. Gaspar, CSsR, Ph.D.
Book Paper; Softbound
452p; 6×9 in
Awards: Cardinal Sin Catholic Book Awards (Finalist)
Diwang Balaan/Banal a Decolonial Discourse on Pinoy Spirituality pursues Karl Gaspar, CSsR long-time project to look into the Filipinos indigenous roots and then explore the ways through which a liberating spirituality can be an integral element in building a just and compassionate society. This book explores the terrain of the indigenous spirituality, common among aboriginal peoples across the planet especially the native peoples of the Americas, the aborigines in Australia and the indigenous peoples across Asia. In the process it attempts to articulate a Mindanawon philosophy even as it moves towards an epistemic reconstitution of doing a decolonial theology. It proposes how a discourse on Pinoy Spirituality can lead to a praxis in our people’s faith that responds to the challenges of promoting justice and respect for human rights, advancing the rights of indigenous peoples protecting the environment and strengthening the pastoral thrusts of inculturation and inter-faith dialogue.